
A Sense of Dislocation

A Sense of Dislocation

Like all of you, I have been treated to more of Bruce Jenner’s personal life than I would ever care to know. And yes, I still call him Bruce and use the masculine personal pronouns, not because I want to be insensitive to his predicament but because I do not believe that gender is a mere matter of personal preference that can be altered by a few surgical procedures. It is a part of the given-ness of our created being that we are called upon to accept and offer to God for his glory, not manipulate for our own perceived ends. Bruce Jenner may have had reconstructive surgery and had hormones pumped into his body, but for all that he remains male – and a sadly mutilated one at that. As such, he is a tragic figure and one that we ought neither to mock nor condone, but pray for.